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Anna Chaplaincy

Offering spiritual care in later life

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Let’s help you find out about the Anna Chaplaincy way of supporting older people emotionally and spiritually.

We have practical knowledge of developing Anna Chaplaincy in communities across the UK.


Whether you’re an individual called to this ministry, or a church leader wanting to develop it in your community, we can help you.

Anna Chaplains are named after the widow, Anna, who appears with Simeon in Luke’s gospel; both are good role models of faithful older people. Anna Chaplains are there for people of strong, little or no faith at all.

Our vision is to see an Anna Chaplain in every small- and medium-sized community in the country, and for the Anna Chaplain name to become synonymous with spiritual care for older people.

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What is Anna Chaplaincy? Find out more about this ministry.

What is Anna Chaplaincy? Find out more about this ministry.

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The Anna Chaplaincy Prayer

Faithful God, you have promised in Christ to be with us to the end of time. Come close to those who have lived long and experienced much. Help them to continue to be faithful and, within the all-age kingdom of God, to find ways to go on giving and receiving your grace, day by day. For your glory and your kingdom.


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Anna Chaplaincy/BRF Ministries is grateful to receive financial support from Benefact Trust. Benefact Trust is one of the UK's largest grant-making charities and awarded more than £23 million to churches, charities and communities in 2020. Its funds come from its ownership of the Benefact Group.

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Anna Chaplaincy is part of BRF Ministries
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BRF Ministries, 15 The Chambers, Vineyard, Abingdon OX14 3FE
© Bible Reading Fellowship 2025. The Anna Chaplaincy® name and logo are registered trade marks of Bible Reading Fellowship, a charity (233280) and company limited by guarantee (301324), registered in England and Wales.
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