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Debbie Ducille

Care homes, community and the church

Debbie Ducille was very pleased to cross paths again recently with Dr Helen Hindle. Having recently completed her PhD entitled ‘Theological reflection on community from the perspective of older people living in residential care homes’, Helen met Debbie at the launch of Anna Chaplaincy in Blackburn Diocese (see recent blog) as she lives locally, and knows Katherine Froggatt through local training.

‘I first came across Helen’s work as a research student myself some years ago,’ says Debbie, ‘and the imagery she used to describe the centrality of relationships in care homes and “windows on the world” in peoples’ lived experience of those relationships, was striking. It stayed with me over the years! I’m so pleased, therefore, to have Helen’s permission to share a leaflet here that she has devised, which reflects on her findings in an accessible way. It’s worth noting that the document is designed as a booklet, so look carefully at page numbers in order to read in the correct order! If more in-depth information about Helen’s findings is of interest to you, please get in touch.

‘The relationship between social care settings, the community and the church is central to us in Anna Chaplaincy. The interconnection and relationships held within this “triangle” surely lies at the heart of our ministry. Any theological reflection that speaks into this arena is of great significance for the network, therefore, but also in raising the profile and urgency for this kind of ministry across the UK.’  




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