Anna Chaplaincy Easy Guides
Anna Chaplaincy Easy Guides offer ideas and inspiration for churches in their work with
older people. Drawn from the rich experience of Anna Chaplains across the UK, they
provide pointers for getting started in a variety of contexts where older people’s spiritual
care is a focus.
Commissioned by an editorial group hosted by BRF, Anna Chaplaincy Easy Guides are
peer-reviewed and updated regularly so they provide the most up-to-date guidance.
They are freely available to download and share. The range of titles will continue to grow
as we receive suggestions from churches for helpful topics to cover.
Anna Chaplaincy Easy Guides give an overview and a handful of key points drawn from Anna Chaplaincy experience, with further resources listed for those wanting to find out more. BRF offers the guides in the sincere hope that they will contribute to excellent spiritual and pastoral care for older people.
You can download the available Easy Guides below.

Easy Guide 1: Running a ‘Holiday at Home’
Easy Guide 2: Linking care homes with local schools
Easy Guide 3: Running Messy Vintage in community settings
Easy Guide 4: Setting up a dementia café
Easy Guide 5: Forging links with care homes
Easy Guide 6: Enabling worship in care homes
Easy Guide 7: Undertaking a pastoral visit for a person in their own home
Easy Guide 8: Being present with someone who is dying
Easy Guide 9: Praying with an older person
Easy Guide 10: Recruiting and equipping volunteers to build
relationships with individual care home residents
Easy Guide 11: Holding an annual celebration of age service
Easy Guide 12: Taking Communion to individuals in their own home
Easy Guide 13: Setting up a singing group for older people
As a charity, we rely on fundraising and gifts in wills to deliver Anna Chaplaincy, Living Faith, Messy Church and Parenting for Faith. We’ve been able to provide this resource free of charge thanks to the generosity of others. If you’ve benefited from our work, please help more people to do the same. +44 (0)1235 462305