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This pioneering work for mission to seniors was started by Liz Stacey in 2003, and since then has flourished, with Liz being inducted as the Pastoral Coordinator for Mission to Seniors in September 2007 at Winchester Baptist Church (WBC).

The ministry to older people at WBC has an annual programme, which inculdes:

  • a monthly Silver Service

  • a monthly Silver Seeker's Group

  • an annual Holiday at Home

  • a gospel concert and a Songs of Praise

  • pastoral care

  • regular visiting

  • services in two residential homes


Liz has also produced her own resources for ministry to this particular age group, as there was a lack of suitable resources available, and has started providing these resources to other people as well as meeting with and encouraging churches to get involved in mission to older people, sharing her first-hand experience. She is also a trustee for Outlook Trust, a country-wide Christian organisation that offers a prayer network, training and support for those working with older people.

Liz has produced a successful study guide called The Pilgrim's Progress Interactive Study Guide, which includes storytelling, drama and lots of fun. Regular training events are held at Winchester but Liz is also happy to run events at other churches to train, advise and encourage others to get involved. 

Many groups are also running their own Pilgrim's Progress study group and have found it helpful in catching the attenion of older people, inspiring and helping them to remember, and a great way to share the gospel and God's love for them.

For further information about Pilgrims Progress Ministry to Seniors

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