Ministry lead Debbie Ducille was very glad to attend a special service at St Andrew’s Church, Longton, near Preston on Sunday 10 March. In attendance were dozens of church members, diocesan staff and members of the local network.

People gathered from across Lancashire to celebrate the formal launch of Anna Chaplaincy in the diocese. Debbie felt privileged to speak at the evening service, reflecting on Psalm 71 and the shared encouragement that Blackburn Diocese is joining the initiative.

Katherine Froggatt, an authorised lay minister, was commissioned that evening as the coordinator for Anna Chaplaincy in this diocese by Revd Anne Beverley, the new diocesan director of ministry. Katherine formerly worked for Churches Together in Cumbria developing Anna Chaplaincy ministry there, and is delighted to be supporting the development of this ministry in her home county of Lancashire.
Debbie added afterwards:
‘I was so pleased to celebrate this significant moment in the diocese with all present, and take part in such a beautiful, hope-filled service. Katherine is a wonderful colleague and brings a huge range of experience into this role. She and others in the diocese have developed the foundations for this ministry with great care and skill, and I’m confident that Anna Chaplaincy will grow rapidly across Lancashire under her coordination. I extend my thanks to Revd Ruth Haldane, recently retired from diocesan staff, who put so much work into these foundations, and I look forward to working alongside Katherine and Revd Anne Beverley in their new roles in the coming months.’
Rt Revd Dr Jill Duff, Anglican bishop of Lancaster, added:
‘I am delighted that Blackburn Diocese is joining this initiative and look forward to many Anna Chaplains being trained and commissioned to work in our parishes and local communities. Blackburn Diocese recognises that the spiritual and accompaniment needs of our older generation are really important and this is one way of helping to meet these needs.’

Pictures by Sara Cuff for Blackburn Diocese and used with kind permission.