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Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

An impressive article on two of Cornwall's Anna Chaplains

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

The two latest Anna Chaplains in Cornwall Jill Adams and Susan Godolphin come across as settling in very well to their new roles in an article on the diocese of Truro website.

A feature by Jac Smith paints a vivid picture of their supportive role in their respective communities in and around Camborne. Both women were recently commissioned in a service led by the archdeacon of Cornwall, the Venerable Paul Bryer.

No one reading this lengthy piece could be left in any doubt of the energy and determination of the pair who, incidentally, hadn't met before the service but are now colleagues locally and fellow members of the national Anna Chaplaincy network. Both participated in last week's online annual Gathering.

They were spurred into pursuing this ministry by their caring roles to date and the events of the past two years.

‘I worked in care for the older community for many years. Tending to people’s physical needs but not really allowed to offer spiritual support. So it’s so freeing to now be released into this ministry.’ – Jill Adams

Likewise for Susan:

‘I’ve worked all my life in children’s work. Both as a leader in the Girls’ Brigade and as a licensed reader, going into schools for assemblies and encouraging children during family services. I thought I was about to enjoy retirement but then clearly felt God nudging me towards this ministry for older people. For me, the catalyst was hearing how many of our older folk felt about church after the pandemic.’

Jac Smith was clearly impressed by meeting the chaplains and hearing what their work entails:

‘It was inspiring meeting Jill and Susan and a reminder that the Church of England is a broad church. From 0–90+, its mysteries endure, like faith itself, impossible to confine and always ready with a surprise.’



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