Anna Chaplain Julie Slade was delighted to have an opportunity to speak about her work during the Sunday morning service at St Mary’s Sheet, near Petersfield in Hampshire last Sunday.
The Candlemas celebration was a fitting time to talk about Anna Chaplaincy and to encourage church members to consider becoming Anna Friends to support the work amongst older people in the area.
This winter she has been instrumental in setting up a weekly Warm Hub in the village hall in addition to leading the twice-monthly Oasis group, which meets at the village pub, plus visits to care homes and supporting individuals.
BRF’s Anna Chaplaincy coordinator Marian Muskett also worships at St Mary’s Sheet, and she shared the Sunday morning spot to talk about BRF’s other ministries, including encouraging the congregation to consider the Lent resources, Easter cards and Bible reading notes.

Conversations were continued in the village hall over coffee and leaflets were offered to remind people of the work.

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