Billericay was buzzing yesterday (15 August) as ‘holiday-makers’ headed for an Essex holiday at Home at ‘Anna’s Place’.
Revd Margaret Fowler sent us this report:
‘Today our Anna’s Place team hosted “Holiday at home” at Christ Church. The enthusiasm to give our older friends a lovely enjoyable summer day out was wonderful!
‘Many of our guests dressed up for summer and enjoyed skittle games on the grass, sand art with shells and coloured stones, and even Scrabble and colouring.

‘Refreshments were served on arrival, and guests were shown options for activities and offered refreshments. ‘ A singing group called “The Ladybirds” entertained us for an hour, and we then enjoyed a fish and chip lunch followed by ice cream cones, tea and cake.
‘A friend had even made up goody bags for everyone to take home and there were plenty of bags left for us to take to our elderly friends unable to come. ‘There was lots of laughter all day and everyone went home happy. We look forward to our “Christmas holiday at home” on 19 December. ‘We’re so thrilled at what God is doing at “Anna’s Place.”’
