On Sunday 13 December Beverley Moore was commissioned as the first Anna Chaplain in Cumbria at Holy Trinity Kendal Parish Church, with the support of Katherine Froggatt, Anna Chaplaincy lead for Cumbria since October 2020.
At the service Beverley said, ‘I have always believed that God's call on my life is to show the love of Jesus to as many people in as many ways as I can, but particularly to those who are vulnerable and marginalised in our society.
‘In more recent years, following an invitation from Revd Rob Saner-Haigh and David Richardson to become Dementia Enabler for Kendal Parish Church, I have had the joy and privilege to work with residents of Stonecross, Gillingreane and Summerhill care homes, both in their own environments and here with us in church at the Kendal Tea Service.
‘This also led to an invitation to join the South Lakes Dementia Community, first as a member and then as a trustee for the last two years. I am also a Dementia Champion for the Alzheimer’s Society, helping to grow dementia-friendly communities. All these opportunities came to me by working in the community on behalf of Kendal Parish Church.
‘My background is in nursing and I feel I am able to use some of those skills within the context of Anna Chaplaincy, not in a physical way but in a caring, compassionate way, by listening, hearing people’s stories and allowing them time and space to communicate whatever they may wish to bring to God. I am passionate about developing Anna Chaplaincy throughout our community and excited by all the opportunities the Lord is opening up for us, and I believe that in this season of my life the best way I can serve him is by helping older people know how much they are loved and valued In his kingdom.’
The following words were prayed over Beverley as she was commissioned:
Heavenly Father, fill Beverley with your Holy Spirit and affirm her in her calling and ministry.
Help her to listen patiently, respond wisely and pray faithfully.
Give her courage to speak up for those whose voice may not otherwise be heard.
May her hands be ready to do your work.
May her eyes be open to recognise those in need.
May her ears hear soft-spoken words of pain and sorrow.
May her voice speak of healing and peace.
May her feet walk the extra mile with those who falter,
and may she always be aware of your presence guiding her
and your loving protection around her in all that she does.
We join in saying ‘Amen’ and look forward to hearing more in the months and years ahead about Beverley’s ministry in Kendal.