Anna Chaplaincy ministry lead Debbie Ducille was regularly on the road during May and June. As well as joining Debbie Thrower at St Mellitus, Nottingham and Sally Rees in Cardiff, Debbie was delighted to offer two workshops at the Methodist Superintendents’ conferences held in Thame and Blackpool, as well as a marketplace presence there and at the Baptist Union GB conference in Telford.
‘It’s a privilege to get out around the UK to share vision and information with church leaders in this way,’ Debbie reflected. ‘There are stories to be pondered upon, new ideas and learning offered, and mutual encouragement shared. I also regularly hear frustration expressed at the lack of investment in older peoples’ ministry and the need for financial and human resourcing in this crucial season of life.’
‘Many people want to share their own experiences of ageing; I heard a moving story of a minister living with dementia in a nursing home who was largely non-verbal, but when a member of staff was helping him with his shoes one day, he put his hands on her head and prayed over her, out loud. A key memory was unlocked, and deeply meaningful for that carer.’