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Creating a loving atmosphere in Essex


Network member Sally Bates in Frinton, Essex, has been looking back over the past year of her church's Dementia Cafe and shares some memorable events. The theme has been - ‘Fearfully and wonderfully made’:


'Our Dementia Café meets twice a month to include singing (and dancing!), games, conversation and friendship. Last year, 2024, was a particularly special year for us. In May we celebrated Dementia Action Week with a concert by a local choir, The Jupiter Singers.  Plenty of singing and dancing in the aisles. 

In October we celebrated our third birthday with an afternoon tea at Frinton Golf Club, generously provided by the local Rotary Club for those living with dementia, their carers and our wonderful volunteer team. 

Dementia Café leader Lesley Sinca writes:

'On the day we had 50+ people. The atmosphere was warm, joyful and full of laughter. It was so kind and brought so much joy to all. Lots of happy memories were made.’  

In December we celebrated Christmas in style with plenty of carols, musical instruments and even some dressing up!

We feel so privileged to spend time with those living with dementia and their carers and are delighted that the local health services regularly refer people to us.  People often comment on the welcoming, loving, environment in our café.  Our hope and our prayer is for people to know that even if our cognitive abilities decrease, the person we always were and still are remains intact; in other words, our personhood is safe with God come what may.  ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.’  Psalm 139:14


This poem by Barbara Noon puts it beautifully:


    Sometimes I picture myself like a candle.

    I used to be a candle about eight feet tall-burning bright.

    Now every day I lose a little bit of me.

    Someday the candle will be very small.

    But the flame will be just as bright.


Sally Bates, Associate Minister, Frinton Free Church





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