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Writer's pictureDebbie Thrower

Debbie Thrower to be a ‘Canon of Honour’

Updated: May 4, 2023

The diocese of Portsmouth has just announced that the pioneer of Anna Chaplaincy Debbie Thrower is to become an honorary canon of Portsmouth Cathedral.

The bishop of Portsmouth, Right Revd Dr Jonathan Frost, said the invitation to become a canon of honour:

‘reflects the profound appreciation of the diocese of Portsmouth for the way in which your visionary ministry, through Anna Chaplaincy, continues to impact and renew our life together in Christ.’

Debbie will be installed at a service of Evensong at Portsmouth Cathedral on Sunday 14 May at 5.45 pm. All are welcome.

Debbie said: ‘I’m delighted to be asked to take on this role in a part of the country I know so well. It’s my “patch”. I moved to work as a journalist and broadcaster in Hampshire in the early 1980s.’

In the past year, thanks to Bishop Jonathan’s priority for developing Anna Chaplaincy in Portsmouth Diocese, there are now 36 more Anna Chaplains (as well as some Anna Friends volunteering to work with them) across south Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Debbie Thrower was installed as an Honorary Lay Canon of Winchester Cathedral in November 2014

She has been a lay canon of Winchester Cathedral since 2014 and remains a canon emeritus of Winchester.




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