Maggie Dodd has produced a simple and attractive guide to what’s happening specifically for older people in her city. As Anna Chaplain in St Albans, based at the two Methodist churches ‘and working closely with our friends at St Peter’s Church’, she has compiled a 20-page guide that helps people find out what activities they can drop in to and others where it is advisable to book ahead.
Explaining what Anna Chaplaincy is all about, she describes how the emphasis is on spiritual support, ‘but, clearly, people’s practical struggles will also play a part in their overall well-being’. There’s a whole-page article, for example, on winter fuel help.

No one should underestimate how much time and effort it has taken to put together up-to-date information in this attractively designed booklet but it might be an idea for other Anna Chaplains and local councils to replicate in their own towns and villages.
‘Every year,’ said Maggie, ‘I publish a listings booklet and this one came put last October and lists 20 different churches.’
‘I publish around 1,500 copies and each church gets a bundle to distribute. I also place them in the library, retirement flat complexes and community centres. The booklet helps me connect with churches in the city and also with older residents who pick up the booklet and contact me having read about Anna Chaplaincy in the introduction.’
What a great idea and an effective way of ensuring you get to know who’s who in a given area. Put one of these together and everyone will know there’s an Anna Chaplain in town and be able to put a face to their name!
