A host of resources to offer you both from BRF and further afield as plans are in hand to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
For months now teams have been busy creating ideas for the national celebrations. Late last year Messy Church asked one of its writers to put together a Messy Church session to help churches mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June.
Jane Butler (Messy Church training and development lead) writes: ‘My own local church is taking the opportunity to share the occasion across all generations and I thought it would be good to have a Messy Vintage session available. We invited Katie Norman (in Jersey where Messy Vintage began) to put something suitable together and I’m pleased to say that both sessions are now available to download.’ You can download the Messy Church and Messy Vintage session here.
In partnership with HOPE Together, CPO (Christian Publishing and Outreach) say they ‘can supply resources with an eye-catching design to celebrate this momentous occasion.’
‘There’s a 64-page gift book full of photos that includes rarely-seen prayers from a book of devotions written for the Queen to use from 1 May to 2 June 1953 – her Coronation Day. Published in partnership with Biblica, it is a unique gift to help readers appreciate the Queen’s Christian faith.’
There are also posters, mugs, bunting and banners. Plus, Trypraying is a pocket-sized booklet for those who don’t ‘do church’. It contains stories of answered prayer, ideas of things to do, important themes about how to connect with God and honest prayers. It is described as ‘an exposure to the grace and power of God. It’s an invitation to start a conversation with God over seven days.’
Find the Messy Church and Messy Vintage material at messychurch.org.uk/resource/its-jubilee and shop the range of resources available from Christian Publishing Outreach at cpo.org.uk/queen-platinum-jubilee.