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Knitting news from a Nottinghamshire Anna Chaplain


Updated: Feb 1

The knitted collection of heavenly angels and stars
The knitted collection of heavenly angels and stars

Hilary Cheng, an Anna Chaplain near Nottingham, has written to us about a Christmas knitting project and - STOP PRESS- she has provided *patterns for others to follow if you'd like to copy her designs!

“West Bridgford Methodist Church hosts a community knitting group twice a month.  The group, called Woolly Wednesday, is made up of people from church and friends from the community.

In October, I asked the knitting group if people would be willing to knit angels to be hung on a Christmas tree, which I could distribute to the people I meet in my role as an Anna Chaplain. 

The knitting needles were soon busy and angels of all colours were produced.  One member who crochets made 30 stars each with a ribbon attached to go on the tree.

When December arrived, I thanked the ladies and asked them to stop knitting as 130 angels had been made! These were duly blessed before being given out.

Both angels and stars were distributed to the people I visit, each with a label of love attached.  Recipients were so pleased to receive a handmade gift, and appreciated the thought and time that had gone into producing these items.

There are enough left to be able to offer people next Christmas, or should the need arise, during the year. This will be helpful as I am meeting new people all the time, and by Christmas this year there will be a number of new people to give to.

As well as being part of the Nativity, angels are people who are sent to us often when we are least expecting them. They don’t usually have a halo or wings but they touch our lives with love.”

*You may download her Christmas angels pattern, and her one for Christmas stars.




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