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Making the most of every care home visit...


When someone moves into residential care is not easy - either for the resident or their visitors. Debbie Thrower, Pioneer of Anna Chaplaincy, has put together some practical suggestions of how to be sensitive to the feelings of someone who has just arrived in their new setting. Her article is in the latest edition of The Pilgrims' Magazine.

Debbie has tips on how to make the most of the time you spend with a relative or friend. There are valuable insights for those who find it hard to even cross the threshold of a care facility and then find themselves at a loss for words.

'Often it's our own high expectations of how a visit should go which scupper the chances of meaningful communication. We should go with few expectations but to be of help...' said Debbie.

The article in the Autumn 2024 edition (pages 6-8) is available online, or in paper format, by post, through subscribing at

You may also read the piece in full on the Pilgrims' Friend Society website.

The magazine helpfully includes a two-page round up of resources from BRF Ministries that are relevant to all ministry among older people which you might enjoy browsing (pages 22-23)?  

Drawing on experiences of visiting her own parents when they were in care at different stages, Debbie adds:

'These were precious times I wouldn't have missed for the world. I also many other residents whom I realised didn't get regular visits.'
'Perhaps that's when the seeds were sown for Anna Chaplaincy as a way to reach people who have few if anybody left close to them, to visit and advocate on their behalf?'



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