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New guide to holding your own service 'Celebrating Age'

Debbie Thrower has written a simple guide to 'Holding an annual celebration of age service.' It is the eleventh title in our growing library of Easy Guides - all of them free to download from our website.

Each Easy Guide is written by someone with practical experience of the topic. Debbie has helped organise many such services over the years in Alton, where Anna Chaplaincy began.

If you are thinking of holding a celebration service next year; for example around Candlemas when the church celebrates Simeon and Anna in early February, you might glean some inspiration from this short guide.

All our Easy Guides consist of just two sides of A4 and are completely free. Share the link with others and avoid reinventing the wheel when it comes to all sorts of ideas.

We have Easy Guides on, for instance, running a Holiday at Home, Worship in care homes and Praying with those who are close to the end of life. These are all topics people tell us they would like extra help with. So make sure your church, pastoral visitor teams and local community groups know all about them. Have a browse and find how much time it saves you instead of starting from scratch!



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