Anna Chaplain, Beth Georgiou, sends us news and pictures of a happy event in Ely, Cambridgeshire:
The Anna Chaplaincy group ‘Elderberries’ at St Mary’s church in Ely invited fifty-five people who enjoyed a party, meeting old friends and new, a fish & chips lunch, quizzes, Bingo and a sing-song on Monday, March 17, 2025.

Special guests were The Mayor and Mayor Escort of Ely, Chris and Mary, and Marie Luchetta-Redmond, our Anna Chaplaincy Coordinator.

By chance it was St Patrick’s Day, so with a nod to him, volunteers wore green and we decorated serviettes and cakes.

Elderberries meets at 2pm on the 3rd Monday each month for Tea and a chat. There are table-top games, knit and natter, word searches, and puzzles for those who like them.
We are supported by our Team Rector Phil, Team Vicar Matthew says Anna Chaplain Beth. We are growing. Numbers have doubled in 6 months and we have several volunteers. It’s fun!