The Revd Sally Rees is a long-standing member of our Anna Chaplaincy network. Now Bishop's Officer for ministry among older people in Wales, it was back in 2012 that she came and shadowed me in Alton, Hampshire, to see first hand the work of Anna Chaplaincy for Older People.
As former nurse herself, and someone who has trained many nurses during her career, it goes against the grain not to be able to connect physically and lend comfort to those in need. As we know, the current crisis poses significant challenges for chaplains as well as health workers.
The ways in which Sally and her pastoral care team are meeting those challenges in the Brecon Beacons is remarkable in its scope as well as its attention to detail. As a snapshot of what's possible when ministry among older people is given high priority even in these times – when care homes are closed to visitors and touch, and face-to-face visiting generally, is outlawed – her newsletter (emailed out to parishioners and the wider community recently) is exemplary. Read it here.
