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Taking news of Anna Chaplaincy to Westminster Central Hall


St Albans' Anna Chaplain Maggie Dodd, Circuit Steward Priya Rasanayagam, BRF Ministries' Church Lead Debbie Ducille and Circuit Steward Nancy Acquaah

On a very wet day in the mid-October, Church Lead Debbie Ducille travelled to London at the kind invitation of Nancy Acquaah, co-chair of the Circuit Stewards meeting for London District. Debbie and Nancy had met previously in the summer at the Methodist conference, which was a wonderful, welcoming gathering and, incidentally, a place where lots of people had heard of Anna Chaplaincy and BRF Ministries!

On October 18, two meetings were held for all Circuit Stewards from across London District in Westminster Central Hall, an extraordinary building right opposite Westminster Abbey and HQ of the Methodist Connexion. Debbie was able to offer a short presentation about Anna Chaplaincy to both groups, followed by a Q&A session.

The District Chairs were present, and it was humbling to join with this committed group of individuals, serving their local churches through governance and administration.

St Albans' Anna Chaplain Maggie Dodd

Debbie was joined by St Albans' Anna Chaplain Maggie Dodd for the evening meeting.

Maggie is employed in a full-time role by the Methodist church, and she offers an inspiring example of how Anna Chaplaincy can be grown across an urban setting, thanks to generous funding commitment.

Debbie reflected, ‘Our vision for this ministry is to see an Anna Chaplain in every small to medium sized community, and that includes in urban settings.

We look forward to exploring possibilities for this ministry with Nancy and others in the coming year, and would welcome further connections in our cities around the UK.’




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