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Unpacking 'Spiritual Care' - a new course starts in September


The art of listening - spiritual care in the context of a club for those who are partially-sighted in Alton, Hampshire

Dozens of people have now taken our Spiritual Care Series courses, as individuals and through their churches. Now there's a chance to enrol on the autumn online course.

BRF holds the UK licence for the Spiritual Care Series with filmed components led by presenter Professor John Swinton of the University of Aberdeen and author of Dementia - Living in the Memories of God (SCM 2017).

The autumn online Spiritual Care Series course is starting on Monday September 30 with an introductory session, followed by 8 teaching sessions. It will be an evening course to allow as many people as possible to take part. The cost is £180 per person. All the dates and times are on the booking page:


This course is relevant for pastoral care team members, for new (as well as experienced) Anna Chaplains, and for church leaders seeking more specialist training in this field. It also provides an excellent way for prospective facilitators in their own churches to get a handle on the course material, before offering it themselves in their local church setting.

So many people have now benefited from the course which unpacks precisely what spiritual care involves and, indeed, how to think more positively about one's own ageing.

‘This is such an exciting tool for equipping church and caring for older people in a way that other mainstream, national, organisations cannot do.’

'Tricia Williams, author of God’s not forgotten me: Experiencing Faith in Dementia (Cascade Books 2022).

Course members participating at St John's Church, Harborne, Birmingham



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