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Vacancy - a paid post in the New Forest

The New Forest, Hampshire                             (Photo credit: Unsplash)
The New Forest, Hampshire (Photo credit: Unsplash)

An Anna Chaplain for Older People is being sought for Lyndhurst, Emery Down and Minstead in Hampshire's New Forest. It is a part-time post and the closing date for applications is Friday, March 21.

New Forest Parishes, in addition to their support for children and families, now wish to add to their team a person dedicated to supporting older people and their families in the parish.

The post is for 16 hours a week. Salary: £13.50 ph (£11,232 p.a.) with contributory NEST pension. Annual leave: 28 days (pro-rata) including statutory Bank Holidays.

Call David for a chat on 07468 527820. Interviews are scheduled to take place in late March or April, 2025.

Download an application pack via the New Forest Parishes website.




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