Key figures in the world of the spirituality of ageing have reviewed this new book by former editor of BRF's Bible Reflections for Older People, 'Tricia Williams. John Swinton at the University of Aberdeen, James Woodward of Sarum College and Peter Kevern at Staffordshire University have all been interested in its findings.
'Tricia Williams' fresh insights into the faith lives of people subject to memory loss stem from her academic research on the subject.
'This is the academic study,' she tells us, 'but I think it is an accessible read.' 'Tricia Williams hopes it will be of help to those involved in ministry in this area.
What Happens to Faith When Christians Get Dementia? (Pickwick Publications, 2021)
is available from Wipf and Stock.
'There is a great beauty in listening to people whose voices are often silenced or overlooked. When we come close to people living with dementia, we discover surprising things and open up new and vital possibilities. In this thoughtful and compassionate book 'Tricia Williams helps to bring to the fore the voices of people with dementia as people reflect on and work through vital issues of faith and the impact that dementia has on this aspect of people’s lives. As we are enabled to listen carefully, so we are allowed to share in deep insights which will lead to new theological and practical possibilities.' John Swinton, University of Aberdeen
'Attentiveness, integrity, rigor, and wisdom are key features of this book. Its carefully and meticulously organised chapters open up the life and faith of those living with memory change. It is written within the framework of practical theology and models good practice in qualitative research. Williams has made an important contribution to the field of dementia, faith, and pastoral care. I hope that it will be both read and acted on.' James Woodward, Sarum College
''Tricia Williams's probing, patient study has brought real insight and empathy to a neglected aspect of Christian spirituality and discipleship. Her findings provide new understanding of the faith of people living with dementia and a rich resource for those of us who would like to accompany them on their way. Academics, clinicians, caregivers, and pastors will all benefit from reading this book.' Peter Kevern, Staffordshire University