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'Why not host a conference ?' So she did...


Jan Isbell, Anna Chaplain, in the Bangor and Holyhead Circuit of the Methodist Church reports on the recent Anna Chaplaincy conference - ‘Sharing the Story so Far’.

'Towards the end of the summer I was having a conversation with Sally Rees about developing my work as an Anna Chaplain when the seed was sown, "Why not host a conference?” asked Sally. In early September I met with the Revd Nick Sissons, our local Methodist Superintendent Minister, who was supportive of the idea. The thinking caps then went on and a date in late November was fixed with help and support from Sally Rees and Debbie Ducille, who both agreed to be involved.

The theme of ‘Sharing the Story so Far’ was decided upon, aimed at both current practitioners and those interested in learning more about the spiritual care of those in later life. A poster was designed and sent out as far, and as wide, as possible. I give thanks for the experience and wisdom of others as, initially, I suggested a face to face conference, whereas to be able to offer it on Zoom opened it up nationwide.

Over 40 people registered for the conference on November 28, which far surpassed our expectations. Nick agreed to be the MC and one of the local Methodist staff team, Heather, kindly offered to oversee the technology. The morning arrived, cold and bright outside yet the conference was filled with warmth and gratitude for contributions from all.

Debbie (Ducille), Sally (Rees) and three Anna Chaplains from Wales led sessions on the Anna Chaplaincy story and some personal experiences of beginning work as chaplains. Breakout rooms focused on the recruitment and support of volunteers, working in care homes and talking about death and dying. We also enjoyed the presence of the Bishop of Bardsey (Bangor diocese) David Morris, who outlined some possible future developments.

Debbie literally wrapped things up with her shawl meditation, reminding us that we are all held and loved by God.'

'Thank you to everyone who supported us on the day and perhaps, another region might like to do something similar? Until then, we send love and Christmas joy from this beautiful part of North Wales.' Jan Isbell , Anna Chaplain


Meanwhile the Revd Sally Rees, former Anna chaplaincy Lead for Wales, also provides some background to Bishop David's involvement in the conference:

'Bishop David spoke about his commitment to Anna Chaplaincy ministry within both Bangor Diocese and the Province of Wales and to working ecumenically to develop this ministry together. He spoke highly of BRF Ministries, and the structure that Anna Chaplaincy gives to this ministry whilst resourcing Anna Chaplains with a network to work within, for support.' 

Sally explained: 'Bishop David was consecrated earlier this year at Bangor Cathedral and is championing chaplaincy as part of his new brief across the province. At the Governing Body of the Church in Wales in Lampeter earlier this year, he affirmed the importance of pastoral and spiritual care for older people, endorsing the ministry of Anna Chaplaincy which now falls within his remit as holder of the portfolio for Chaplaincy.

He has been a great support and help in establishing Anna Chaplaincy in Bangor Diocese, where four Anna Chaplains have been commissioned in the last year. He has also been instrumental in organising and liaising with BRF Ministries to have the Anna Chaplaincy leaflet and Information Pack translated into Welsh.'

These are now available as PDF files: if you wish to have a hard copy of either document in the Welsh language, please contact



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