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Sometimes it is helpful to have icebreakers, such as some questions, to get the conversation flowing at events and discussion groups. The Ugly Duckling Company's Table Talk for Third Agers has now been followed by Table Talk for Fourth Agers 

Here are some examples of the kinds of topics featured and questions posed:

  • Trivia: best decade—1950s, 1960s or 1970s?

  • Celebrating: best day of your life?

  • Treasured memories: describe your mother's kitchen

  • Relationships: who was your first love?

  • Health and well-being: what is your greatest fear?

  • Big issues: is there anything that cannot be forgiven?


These may be fun games for opening up conversations, but as you can see they don't shy away from tackling some of the more challenging, even hitherto taboo, areas.

Table Talk.png
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